Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge believes in the continuum of holistic care integrating traditional and contemporary teachings, skills and values to enrich both those receiving and giving care.

feather and sage

Our Mission

In keeping with the sacred teachings of the creator, Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge will provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for First Nation youth who are embarking on their healing journey to wellness of body, heart, mind, and spirit.

feather and sage

Our Vision

Our vision is to see through that all youth who have been a part of Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge will have gained the strength and skills necessary to continue their life’s path with pride, dignity, respect, and a strong sense of identity. By working alongside the 7 Grandfather teachings, it is our hope that the youth will achieve balance in their lifelong journey towards fulfilment and will be contributing members of their communities.

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Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge was initiated due to the alarming rate of youth suicides that continue to occur in our First Nation communities.  There is a lack of residential programming for our youth geographically; that supports Indigenous culture and tradition.  Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Adult Treatment Centre in Thunder Bay was approached by Nishnawbe Aski Nation to begin the implementation of 2 Youth Healing Lodges, located in Timmins (Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge) and Sioux Lookout (Pelican High Peak Youth Healing Lodge) that would support NAN youth struggling with mental health and addictions.

Philosophy of Treatment

Holistic Care

Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge believes in the continuum of holistic care.

Common Respect

We believe that each individual is worthy of respect, freedom and choice.

Welcoming to All

We believe and respect the beliefs, values, culture, and spirituality of all individuals.

Caring to All

We believe that all individuals have the right to all the basic requirements of which we hold sacred.


We believe that each individual seeking self-awareness and personal growth has the right to enhance their abilities and skills.

Everyone Can Do It

We believe that each individual seeking healing at the Wakenagun Youth Healing Lodge has the right to the programs and services.